
“Love this memory”

Hello and a very big welcome to my blog. I am here with you today to share something very very different for me. I was asked to do something by a group of my friends. The challenge was to create a boy layout without flowers. A huge ask from me because as you probably already have guessed, flowers really are my go to for everything creative. But I accepted the challenge and boy it took me quite a while to get creative but once I started I really loved the process and of course the challenge. And this is what I came up with. I have called this “Love this memory”.


I have used some much younger photos of my son scootering around. Surely do love this memory! I was standing on our front patio when I took the photo, so as you can see I was standing above him which is an angle I love to take pictures from sometimes. He was wearing a school uniform at the time of the photo so finding papers to co-ordinate I thought would be a difficult job. But it was very easy. I didn’t have to look to far until I came across the Captured Adventures collection. A most perfect collection for everything and of course a boy layout. I chose two pieces from the collection to work from. The first being Boldly Go and the second Faded Memories.
I built my background to start with on Boldly Go, using Faded Memories cut into strips to sit over the top running up and down the layout through the centre. I then added in some textures using two different Dusty Attic stencils. I really wanted to showcase the 49andMarket products for this project and show you how you can use other things rather than flowers………! Yes there I said it, but it hurt me to of course. My stamp usage is very minimal in most layouts that I do but for this project I have used most of the elements from the Captured Adventures Stamp Set 1, to really grunge up the page. The chevron was a huge favourite from this pack. I used it to frame the photos going from one side of layout to the other. I added in some of the script as well as the arrow. This was done using Archival ink to get that rich black colour.
And lastly was the addition of 49andMarket’s Archival Boards. I have used the “Memory Captured” pack and used absolutely every little piece to embellish my page.  This is a fabulous pack and perfect for any masculine layout. It was inked randomly with Iced Spruce and Black Soot and then crackled with Dusty Attic Crackle Varnish. I left these to dry overnight and the colours were just amazing the next morning.
My photos were matted with the remaining leftover of the Faded Memories paper and popped up with a little board. Some of the archival boards were cut in half to make go further around the layout. Some have also been layered on top of each other. And that is that. I was very happy with the outcome of this layout. I hope you are too. Well I will say goodbye, until next time when I will have another layout to share with you. Until then, happy creating.


Tina x
49andMarket Products :
Captured Adventures Boldly Go
Captured Adventures Faded Memory
Captured Adventures Stamp Set 1
Archival Boards – “Memory Captured”
Other Products:
Distress Inks
Crackle Varnish
Crackle Paint
Archival Ink
Dusty Attic Stencils